Amazon Echo users will no longer have the option to process their Alexa voice recordings locally, which means those ...
An opt-in Alexa feature called "Do Not Send Voice Records" stops requests from being sent to the company. It will soon be ...
In an email sent to customers today, Amazon said that Echo users will no longer be able to set their devices to process Alexa ...
Amazon verwijdert de opt-outoptie voor gebruikers die niet willen dat de spraakopnames van hun Echo-smartspeaker of ...
Amazon is discontinuing a feature that allowed users of some of its Echo smart speakers to choose not to send their voice ...
While the voice recordings will be processed in the cloud, the email added that "they will be deleted" after Alexa had ...
On March 28, ahead of its Alexa+ rollout, Amazon will get rid of the “Do Not Send Voice Recordings” setting on Echo devices ...
Amazon will no longer allow Alexa users to opt out of sending their voice recordings to the cloud. (via: The Verge) This ...
Amazon is disabling an option that allows your Alexa voice conversations to be processed locally instead of in the cloud.
Amazon has informed Echo users that they can no longer process Alexa requests locally. Voice recordings are stored in the ...
Ars Technica reports that on Friday, Amazon sent an email to customers who have “Do Not Send Voice Recordings” enabled on their Echo smart speakers and displays, stating the company would stop ...
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