チャットコミュニケーションツール「Discord」では、動画広告を視聴することでアバターのデコレーションやゲーム内コンテンツなどの報酬を獲得できる「Discordクエスト」と呼ばれるプログラムのパイロット版をPC向けに2024年3月から展開しています ...
Discord is set to introduce a new feature called Video Quests in June 2025. This will allow users to engage with video ads while earning rewards. This is a part of a strategy called Quests that was ...
Discord is bringing third-party ads to its mobile platform. The gaming-focused voice and chat app announced that a mobile ...
This isn't the first we've heard about plans for an IPO; an article in The New York Times claimed that Discord had begun ...
Discordは、「動画クエスト」広告フォーマットをモバイルデバイスに拡大する計画を発表しました。この戦略的な動きは、同社の初のモバイル広告提供となり、広告主にとってはリーチを大幅に広げ、Discordのプレイヤーコミュニティに対して、トレーラーの展 ...
Discord has revealed that it’s launching new sponsored video quests on its mobile app, bringing ads to the smaller screen for ...
Discord’s mobile app will have video ads starting in June, the company announced today. The initial pilot for the video ads, ...
Peter Sellis, Discord’s product leader, said the move to expand Video Quests to mobile is part of a strategy to appeal to ...