Both directions of Interstate 25 were closed south of Castle Rock after a series of semi truck slideouts in dangerous road ...
A Columbus police dispatcher said the crash happened at 1:08 a.m. on I-70 east approaching the Interstate 270 interchange.
Interstate 70 is closed in both directions between Silverthorne and the Eisenhower-Johnson Memorial Tunnel for safety ...
All lanes and access points to Interstate 70 East are closed after a fatal crash, the third in less than 12 hours, occurred ...
Interstate 70 is fully open in both directions through Eagle County. 6:25 p.m.: Eastbound Interstate 70 is closed near Dowd ...
Share on Facebook Share on Twitter The Kansas Highway Patrol said a woman from Virginia was trapped overnight in her car ...
T-L Photos/GAGE VOTA New rest areas on Interstate 70, both east and westbound, host visitors on Monday. Lauren Borell, ...
It’s the second time an officer has been struck on the busy interstate in north St. Louis in the past six months.
Both lanes of Interstate 70 west in Belmont County were closed Tuesday afternoon due to a semi crash near exit 208 near the ...
With I-70 running through the city, it becomes the Idaho Springs Police Department's job to stop criminal activity that ...
Early Monday, a Kansas Highway Patrol Trooper responded to the serious rollover crash on Interstate 70, where the driver had ...