米国のエンジニア系YouTuberのMark Rober氏のある実験が話題となっている。カメラ搭載車両とLiDAR搭載車両による衝突回避実験により、双方のセンシング能力を対決させた動画だ。YouTube動画の内容を紐解く。
Image:Mark Rober(YouTube) GoogleのWaymoなど、各社が開発する自動運転システムは、多くがLiDARや超音波レーダー、カメラなどにAIを組み合わせて周囲の障害物を認識するようになっている。
Over the weekend, former NASA engineer and YouTuber Mark Rober published a video that sought to demonstrate the difference ...
YouTuber compares a LiDar-equipped Lexus with a Tesla’s camera-based assistance tech to see which demolishes fewer dummies ...
While LiDAR demonstrates superior safety in tests, the cost efficiency of camera-based autopilot systems remains a ...
Tesla, from long sticks to what they know best—or at least what makes them appear to know best. Tesla’s forever controversial ...
“It turns out my Tesla is less Road Runner, more Wile E. Coyote,” Rober says as he inspects the damage on the front hood. The ...
The test was not without controversy, however. Some Tesla supporters questioned whether Autopilot had even been engaged ...
In his recent YouTube video, Mark Rober’s Tesla Model Y crashed through a Wile E. Coyote-style wall after its Autopilot ...
A group of Tesla fans and investors has inadvertently exposed Tesla’s shadiness regarding crashes involving Autopilot by ...