Whoever replaces Thomas Bach as the new president of the International Olympic Committee will have untold riches, but will ...
When a new IOC president is elected Thursday, and Thomas Bach formally leaves the role in June, it will be with a "clear ...
The race to succeed Thomas Bach as president of the International Olympic Committee reaches a climax on Thursday with Juan ...
Thomas Bach on Tuesday highlighted peace and Olympic values in general as key elements in turbulant political times. Speaking ...
Mail Sport understands that the current regime in Lausanne want 'anyone but Coe' ahead of the election of the organisation's ...
Whoever succeeds Thomas Bach as president of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) today will need to be “cool under fire ...
Olympic officials will vote for IOC’s next president on Thursday, and myriad political hurdles need to be cleared by Thomas ...
Delivering a message of “Values first”, IOC President Thomas Bach opened the 144th IOC Session this afternoon in the ...
IOC President Thomas Bach celebrates Olympic values ​​and their connection to peace at the 144th IOC Session in Olympia.
Bach, who is stepping down in June, said the IOC had needed to fight off many similar campaigns before and after the Paris ...
Thomas Bach focused on how peace is the essence of the Olympics but also how fragile it is in a speech yesterday at the ...
As the election of the new International Olympic Committee President approaches and following Monday's Executive Board ...