Yes, I am among the tens of thousands of people who have followed the journey of Jackie and Shadow, the famous bald eagle ...
Israel, for me, is not just a place to live—it’s a place to inspire and to ensure that the future of Judaism is as vibrant as ...
That’s why I felt conflicted about watching these hostage reunion videos. These moments don’t belong to me. Or do they? For a ...
Weeks after Donald Trump’s return to the Oval Office, we are now receiving frequent and unsettling reminders that neither of ...
Until I saw “The World Will Tremble” the other night at a film premiere, I had never seen a Holocaust film where Jews manage ...
On November 6th, I embarked on a life-changing journey to Uganda with six other students from de Toledo High School. Our ...
Though more Hamans would continue to arise, the Jewish people would survive and celebrate countless Purims in a new Promised ...
Until Khalil defenders are willing to defend the speech rights of all haters, their talk of free speech is nothing more than ...
We saw the Burning Bush on Moses’ face and we were afraid of him. We desert bound people who saw a sea part and frogs fall ...
While the book is a work of fiction, Sendowski ensures that it remains faithful to the historical and textual integrity of ...
Viewers should be prepared to feel frustrated, shocked, annoyed and disgusted by what Jewish students have endured since ...
I asked an array of people, whether physicians, small business owners, or young mothers, to reflect on the five-year ...
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