Parents who are worried about who and what their kids might be interacting with in one of the many games available on Roblox ...
Today, according to a report by Bloomberg, Ubisoft seems to be entertaining that last option and is currently looking for ...
Head over to Sanctum, Meridian, or Tempest Bay to pick up your daily quests or to join in on Warfronts. The "Looking for ...
You could even make your home a sprawling mansion on the outside, but one single room on the inside if you like.
Both games will be running their Brew Day events simultaneously. In the OG version, head out in Norrath to toast friends and ...
In addition to just new levels, the update introduces the Moonwater Plains region (imagine that based on the update's name), ...
If you're looking for a bit more hardcore action in Black Desert Online and you don't mind your class selection being limited ...
Since then, gamigo has sold off a number of IPs or their publishing rights to smaller companies, including Fawkes. Fawkes ...
Many players are still waiting on their character transfers in Lord of the Rings Online nearly a week after they were ...
Speaking of the anniversary, Arc Games also announced a new starship bundle. The Anniversary bundle includes exclusive ...
It's been one month since a team of veteran MMO developers at Notorious Studios pushed their extraction game Legacy: Steel & ...
In addition to the new event, Hunt: Showdown 1896 also received a series of changes in Update 2.3. These include things like ...