メーガン妃がお料理&おもてなしの極意を教えるNetflixシリーズ「ウィズ・ラブ、メーガン」。リリース直後より話題を呼び、早くもこの秋にシーズン2の配信が決定している本作だが、一方で英米メディアを中心に厳しい評価も目立つ。鑑賞者たちがこの作品に感じて ...
Since coming out last week, Meghan Markle’s new Netflix show, “With Love, Meghan,” has prompted all kinds of… feedback.
メーガン・マークルのNetflix番組『With Love, Meghan』が酷評にもかかわらずシーズン2を迎えることに。批評家から「無意味」「自己陶酔」と酷評された番組が、なぜ続編決定に?Netflixの狙いとメーガンの反応を徹底解説。
メーガン妃 が、カリフォルニアの美しい邸宅に友人や著名なゲストを招き、料理やガーデニング、おもてなしのコツを伝授する Netflix ...
Meghan Markle has faced some brutal reviews since the release of her Netflix lifestyle show With Love, Meghan - and one royal ...
An expert has revealed what the Duchess of Sussex may be going through after her father and half-brother criticised her show.
Meghan Markle's estranged father Thomas Markle Sr has slammed her Netflix series With Love, Meghan, as he accused her of ...
Netflix番組「ウィズ・ラブ、メーガン」、ライフスタイルブランドのアズ・エヴァー(AS EVER)をお披露目したばかりのメーガン妃が、新しいポッドキャスト「Confessions of a Female ...
U.S. reviews of Meghan Markle's cooking show make stark comparison to hostile coverage in the British press before her royal ...
Meghan Markle's latest documentary on Netflix - With Love, Meghan - has faced mixed reviews, but last time she had a hit on ...
Abigail told Hello! she was happy that Meghan could show off her 'natural' self doing what she loves in the Duchess' latest ...
Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, opens up to PEOPLE in an exclusive new interview, sharing how she attends yoga classes ...