Islam is quickly becoming the dominant faith in America’s prison system. According to a recent CBS report, tens of thousands ...
Five years ago, the scientific “community,” the public health complex, and politicians failed. They responded to the outbreak ...
With two decades of writing a weekly op-ed column, plenty of suggestions roll in on what “I need to write.” However, Col.
Several days back, when one of the near-countless cases of judicial overreach in which partisan Democrat operatives in black ...
President Trump’s second term is off to a good start in regards to immigration policy and stopping the flow of illegal ...
Who is James K. Polk?” his opponents in the 1844 presidential election mockingly asked. Two centuries later, the question is ...
The Democratic party is so consumed by TDS that there is literally no room left for any positive policy agenda.
A century after he was born and 55 years after he met his grisly end, we still find Yukio Mishima’s works compelling and ...
The Democrats’ new party platform is to just do the opposite of Trump.
One by one, Democrats are deciding that the jig is up and it’s time to join the side of the American people on transgenderism ...
This column has done the not-so-important work of chronicling the ignominious performance of CBS News anchor Margaret Brennan ...
News reports are reporting headlines like this one from USA Today: “French lawmaker says US should return Statue of Liberty.