Shares in Chinese EV giant BYD surged to a record high Tuesday after it unveiled new battery technology it says can charge a ...
Até março de 2025, as buscas por veículos chineses novos e usados no Brasil aumentaram 51,4% em comparação ao ano anterior, de acordo com um relatório da Webmotors Autoinsights, maior ecossistema auto ...
A China anunciou neste sábado que imporá tarifas adicionais sobre alguns produtos importados do Canadá com base na decisão de ...
Volkswagen y BMW anunciaron el lunes planes de cooperación con empresas chinas, en una fuerte señal de la resistencia y el potencial de cooperación entre China y la Unión Europea en el sector ...
中国乘用车市场信息联席会(Passenger Car ...
China is a major market for Tesla, where the company has two factories and is trying to compete with fast-growing domestic manufacturers. Tuesday's statement follows an announcement by Chinese ...
Data from China’s State Administration for Market Regulation indicates that as of January 2025, the number of private ...
Erik Solheim: China is now the most modern place in the world. I mean, if you go to the major cities in the South, like ...
#2025全国两会#【#中 国新能源 ( 2.410, -0.02, -0.82%) 汽车何以领先世界#】2024年,我国新能源汽车产销量分别达到1288.8万辆和1286.6万辆,同比分别增长34.4%和35.5%;出口128.4万辆,同比增长6.7%。是什么推动中国新能源汽车产业不断突破?CGTN报道员Jen Copestake来广州一探究竟!#看中国# Chinese EV exports ...
Data from China’s State Administration for Market Regulation indicates that as of January 2025, the number of private ...
【共同社2月20日电】中国的纯电动汽车(EV)龙头企业比亚迪(BYD)也在日本市场逐渐彰显存在感。虽然2023年刚进军日本市场,但凭借低价优势,2024年EV乘用车的在日销量迅速增长,达到2223辆,是2023年的1.5倍。该数字超过了丰田汽车的2038辆。 “以前我开的是 ...