The United States has tightened its grip on countries it deems security risks, placing Liberia on a partial visa restriction list alongside 21 other nations. With a 60-day ultimatum to clean up its ...
IN his final last hours as Prime Minister, Dr Keith Rowley yesterday blasted the United Kingdom government over its decision ...
Indian nationals in the US, including H-1B visa holders and green card holders, are advised by immigration attorneys to avoid ...
The deportation of Dr. Rasha Alawieh, despite a valid H-1B visa and a federal court order, along with increased deportations ...
Can marrying your American girlfriend or boyfriend protect you from deportation?While marriage to a citizen can be a path to ...
Ranjani Srinivasan, an Indian national and a doctoral student at Columbia University, voluntarily left the country.
A woman arrested by Immigration Customs and Enforcement’s Newark office is currently being held in the Prairieland Detention ...
ICE's deportation actions signal that anyone who isn't a US citizen is 'at risk – period,' immigration attorney says.
Srinivasan, who was pursuing a PhD in Urban Planning, departed the US on March 11, days after her F-1 student visa was ...
[ワシントン14日 ロイター] - トランプ米政権が、41カ国に対し米国への渡航を制限することを検討していることが分かった。不法移民対策の一環でイランや北朝鮮についてはビザ(査証)の発給を全面停止する。
Ranjani Srinivasan entered the US on an F-1 student visa as a doctoral student in Urban Planning, the Department of Homeland ...