Look, not every company has the budget to hire a marketing team to help name their product, particularly companies relying on ...
If you've never played it, Frosthaven is a spiritual successor to the board game Gloomhaven. One of the most successful board ...
Dive into Bull Shark, the chaotic, laugh-out-loud card game from Bryson (Haminations) and Wombo Combo Games, now on ...
MyRobot, an AI-driven waifu character interaction simulator, is 391% funded on Kickstarter, with $78,000, and high hopes to raise the bar.
This new Kickstarter campaign, launching in support of the documentary Halcyon Daze, pays tribute to what Star Wars' Galactic ...
Behind the Revolving Door: An Anthology of Choices is a project created by Celestial Echo Press, their fifth short story ...
Assassin's Creed Shadows joins the list of games with the longest credits in the history of gaming; it is not too far away ...
Over $3.7M Raised Xlaserlab’s crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter has surpassed $3.7 million, demonstrating strong demand and support from makers and professionals worldwide. Breaking Industrial ...
Does today's Wordle have you stumped? Here are some hints and the answer.
Skyrim and Stardew Valley collide with the world of Redfall in Hawthorn, a sandbox RPG from a team of experienced developers ...
We've been writing about some low-cost KVM over IP solutions like the Sipeed NanoKVM Cube or GL.iNet Comet in recent times, ...
Portions of the game are broken up by narrative elements, as characters rest and share their stories with each other—its team ...