Polvo excesivo, malos olores y demasiados camiones de basura en las calles de Sun Valley es lo que Claudia Aréchiga y sus ...
Durante una audiencia celebrada el 19 de marzo, los funcionarios del Distrito de Gestión de la Calidad del Aire de la Costa ...
Since President Donald Trump took office for a second term, the administration has been attempting to make life harder for ...
Como nos han recordado los recientes incendios forestales en el sur de California, uno debe estar preparado para lo ...
Over a hundred protestors lined the block outside the Tesla store on Colorado Boulevard in Pasadena last weekend. In response ...
It was a beautiful crisp morning at Dodger Stadium as more than 26,000 runners – young and old – took off from the starting ...
A progressive coalition of labor unions, students, educators, seniors and human- and immigrant-rights advocates marched in ...
During a March 19 hearing, a South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD) hearing board voted to approve an order to ...
Excessive dust, foul smells and too many dump trucks on Sun Valley streets are what Claudia Arechiga and her neighbors have ...
Police shot a trans woman at a Pacoima motel last month after she called 911 asking for help, according to a video released by the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) […] ...
Sábado, Marzo 22 Festival de Primavera de Kitty Saugus High School 21900 Centurion Way Santa Clarita 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Únase a nosotros para el Festival de Primavera de […] ...
As the recent Southern California wildfires have reminded us, one needs to be prepared for the unexpected, particularly as population density, urbanization and other factors continue to impact the ...