A motion to set bond for a 50-year-old from Stover charged with first-degree murder and armed criminal action is denied in ...
Charges have been filed against, at least, one of three people allegedly involved in a theft from an ATM in Sedalia back in January. Sedalia police say that the individuals, apparently two males ...
A 27-year-old man from Versailles is taken into custody in Camdenton after allegedly exposing and touching himself, and flashing a ‘creepy smile’ about it, in a business parking lot. Courthouse ...
Governor Mike Kehoe officially signs House Bill 495 into law. Despite some opposition to the Bill, which included an ...
Recent information revealing that local laws, ordinances and regulations dealing with the use of electronic devices while driving a vehicle are unenforceable on the local level draws a quick ...
The Versailles Police Department is investigating a man’s death after he was found deceased in his vehicle late last week. The report indicates that 38-year-old Lorenzo Flores was found ...
The countywide no burn ban in Camden County has been rescinded. The County Commission, Tuesday morning, rescinded and revoked the ban as well as cancelling the state of emergency. Fire danger, ...
The Missouri Department of Agriculture has lifted the suspension of poultry and waterfowl auctions, shows and swap meets in counties impacted by the pathogenic avian influenza.   The suspension ...
Three people, including the identified president of the Galloping Goose Motorcycle Club at Lake of the Ozarks, face drug and gun charges in Pettis County. A probable cause statement indicates that ...
Morgan County authorities are turning to the public for information about four individuals identified on the Fugitive Apprehension Security Team’s “Most Wanted” list. Jessie Wyatt is wanted for ...
The possibility of the City of Osage Beach transforming from leasing to owning the Lee-C Fine Airport in the state park hits a snag. Mayor Michael Harmison, on KRMS Radio and TV, said that ...
From how it appears, damage reported from the overnight thunderstorms in the lake area and surrounding region Saturday into Sunday could’ve been a lot worse. According to the National Weather ...