Last Thursday evening, more than twenty Metropolitan police officers – some armed with tasers – broke down the ...
Xiong’an is being built on a stretch of nondescript agricultural land about three times the size of New York City. The site ...
When I told people I was going to Guantánamo Bay last September to observe the trial of the 9/11 hijackers, I was ...
Entire families in Gaza have been killed together in their homes in unprecedented numbers; experts have found that, during ...
Last month, the Rwanda-backed March 23 Movement set up shadow administrations in key areas it has conquered in the ...
Ekrem İmamoğlu, the mayor of Istanbul, was arrested early in the morning of Wednesday, 19 March, on two charges ...
The LRB is Europe’s leading magazine of books and ideas. Published twice a month, it provides a space for some of ...
The binary of before and after a particular military event is often misleading when it comes to the experience of those who lived through it. For Jews and members of the Resistance, the days and weeks ...
Peter E. Gordon teaches European intellectual history at Harvard. One reason to welcome a new translation is that old terms and cadences tend to petrify: repeat a phrase often enough and its meaning ...
Dr Lennox Johnston, a Merseyside GP, took the train to London, intending to pluck ...
Tom Lowenstein, the poet and ethnographer, died on 21 March. His fieldwork in an Iñupiaq village in north-west ...
The anthropologist Margaret Mead was just over five feet tall and had to stand on a suitcase to be seen above ...