The conflict between actor Kim Soo-hyun and the late Kim Sae-ron's bereaved family continues.On the 15th, Kim Soo-hyun, an ...
Even after actor Kim Soo-hyun announced his denial of underage dating with the late Kim Sae-ron, controversy raged. Some in ...
Korean actor Kim Soo-hyun (age 37) has denied allegations that he dated the late Kim Sae-ron while she was a minor. In its ...
Kim Soo-hyun’s agency has denied allegations that he dated Kim Sae-ron while she was underage. As advertisers distance ...
Actor Kim Soo-hyun's agency has confirmed the actor's past relationship with the late actress Kim Sae-ron, but clarified the ...
Kim Soo-hyun’s agency, Gold Medalist, has issued an official statement refuting allegations made by the YouTube channel Garo ...
Following the announcement of an official statement next week, Gaseyeon demands a sincere apology to Kim Sae-ron’s family.
Amid allegations that actor Kim Soo-hyun was in a romantic relationship with the late actress Kim Sae-ron when she was a minor, companies that have hired Kim as a model are now closely monitoring the ...
배우 김수현이 15세 나이였던 고(故) 김새론에게 먼저 접근해 6년간 연인관계를 지속했다는 증언이 나왔다. 두 사람은 결혼까지 약속했던 것으로 전해졌다. 지난 12일 유튜브 채널 '가로세로연구소'(이하 '가세연')에는 고인의 ...
Actress Seo Ye-ji has addressed rumors involving actor Kim Soo-hyun. On March 13, Seo Ye-ji posted on her official fan ...
13일 김수현의 소속사 골드메달리스트는 “최근 가로세로연구소에서 방송한 김수현 관련 내용에 대해 말씀드린다”며 “사실 관계를 바로잡고 근거 없는 루머에 대응하기 위해 명백한 근거를 바탕으로 다음 주에 입장을 밝히겠다”고 ...
Seúl, 13 de marzo (Yonhap) -- El actor Kim Soo-hyun se ha convertido en el centro de una creciente controversia tras las ...
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