As we edge over the halfway point of Donald Trump's first 100 days in his second term in office, it's possible we're seeing the start of America’s terminal decline or its regeneration, depending on ...
The Kremlin needs higher production to meet the needs of the domestic economy, sustain exports and supply the military, but a ...
Turkish ties. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy met with Turkey’s trade and agriculture ministers as well as ...
George Friedman returns to the Mauldin Economics' Global Macro Update to explain why Russia cannot realistically wage war in ...
NATO has been the de facto defender of Europe. Virtually every country on the Continent has its own armed forces, of course, ...
Polish proposal. In a new interview with the Financial Times, Polish President Andrzej Duda called on the United States to ...
As the world watches the Transatlantic Alliance continue to strain, America’s allies to the West are wondering what it all ...
Massive changes on Turkey’s northern and southern flanks are reshaping its strategic landscape. U.S.-Russia diplomacy has ...
Targeting Moscow. Ukraine launched its largest drone attack on Moscow since the start of the war in Ukraine. According to ...
Last year, several countries across Latin America and the Caribbean saw substantial swings in export numbers. Argentina ...
No Iran talks. Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has again rejected the prospect of holding talks with the United ...
I must confess that I have not voted in an election, other than local ones, since I left my life in academia and government ...