Mt Béro classified forest is increasingly under pressure from deforestation, illegal logging, and encroachment.
Christened as the land of a thousand hills, Rwanda is known for its hilly terrain. This mountainous terrain coupled with the ...
Located In eastern Sierra Leone, covering 70,000 hectares lies Gola Rainforest National Park (GRNP), one of the last ...
Today we join friends and family of Pamela Anne Isdell, a long time BirdLife Supporter, to celebrate her life and ...
Barnabas Ngesemwo stands at the precipice of the valley facing the Kiptaber forest. His face, seemingly lined with tales and ...
After 40 years of dedicated conservation efforts, the Stone-curlew is making a remarkable return to the UK. The Stone-curlew, ...
Denmark’s reliance on biomass energy is driving deforestation, biodiversity loss, and increased carbon emissions in Estonia ...
In a new study, published in the Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club and led by a BirdLife scientist, a colourful ...
Immerse yourself in the world of parrots: a kaleidoscope of colour in the canopy, a burst of chatter as a flock gathers, and ...
The climate and nature crises are a magnifier, escalating and enhancing the issues of gender inequity all over the world. Women are integral to solutions, as well as the most impacted.
Today, the European Commission proposed a direct amendment of the wolf protection status under the Habitats Directive. This ...
On 18th February, an embankment that stores wastewater from copper mining operations broke, releasing more than 50 million liters of waste into Mwambashi River.