Through a play, the Dakota Daughters tell the story of the Wounded Knee Massacre in hopes of sharing the story uniquely and ...
RAPID CITY, S.D. (KOTA) - The Rapid City Area Schools Board of Education voted 6-1 to hire Norfolk, Neb., superintendent Jami ...
RAPID CITY, S.D. (KOTA) -This week’s Big Ol’ Fish is a Large Mouth Bass reeled in by Tobyn Teigen. Congrats on your Big Ol’ ...
OneHeart's "Gravitate" job search website sees 43% uptick, which could positively impact the dry job market in the Black ...
The South Dakota Cattleman’s association is lauding Governor Rhoden signing a bill requiring proper labeling of lab-grown ...
In Rapid City, many gas stations going from $3.05 last week to as high as $3.29 this week. The reason for this increase could ...
Kahler Financial Group advises the public to not panic and to stay the course despite decreases in the stock market.
David Combe allegedly mailed a letter containing white powder, writing, "PS: enjoy the anthrax in the envelope." ...
RAPID CITY, S.D. (KOTA) - Rapid City Major Jason Salamun announced Leah Braun as his new right-hand man on Tuesday. Braun will serve as Salamun’s Chief of Staff after working in Human Resources for ...
Six agricultural bills were signed Tuesday by South Dakota Governor Larry Rhoden in honor of National Agriculture Day.
Just last week we were enjoying the sunshine and signs of spring, but o Some are happy the snow is sticking around. “I teach skiing up at Terry, so I’m hoping it’s snowing up there too,” John Stam, a ...
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