First dev diary for Wolcen's Project Pantheon dives into how crafting, customization, and item durability all shape the core ...
The Mortal Online 2 10th sprint patch PTR is now open, featuiing a total chat overhaul, performance improvements, engine ...
Atoraxxion: Orzekea is here in Black Desert Online. The new update adds a new main story questline centered around Atoraxxion ...
With the March 27 patch, Once Human will adjust each scenario's lengths to allow for more mid- to endgame access, plus adding ...
The Neverwinter team recently unveiled a new plan for updates: Interludes, smaller separate updates that will happen in ...
Glow of the Ghoul is live, letting you character become a Ghoul for the first time ever and experience Appalachia differently ...
Robin takes a look at the Undermine, noting the good, the bad, and of course, the trash mobs. Is it worth it to take a romp ...
Guild Wars 2's second major update to their Janthir Wilds expansion goes live today! In Repentance, players will have a new ...
Cheating has been a part of MMORPGs ever since the first servers flickered to life. Each game has had their own approach on ...
Kazuma has spent the last few weeks putting NCSOFT's latest MMO to his Western shores, Blade & Soul Neo, through its paces.
Project Wolf Is a huge update coming to Lineage II on April 15th,  adding a new werewolf class, along with fresh PvE and PvP ...
Magic: The Gathering is going back to the legendary plane of Tarkir next month with the next Standard legal set, Tarkir: ...