Die gemeinsamen Forschungsinitiativen in der Euregio stellen ein Zeichen der starken Vernetzung zwischen den Universitäten Bozen, Innsbruck und Trient sowie anderen Einrichtungen und ...
Content Being terrorism one of the most pressing challenges in modern society, the purpose of the project was to discuss the main legal issues about the impact of international terrorism on the intern ...
Dalla sigla della Lettera di Intenti tra le Università Bolzano, Innsbruck e Trento, avvenuta il 5 maggio 2012 sotto l’auspicio del Ministro austriaco delle scienze e della ricerca, Karlheinz Töchterle ...
Improving mobility, expanding the range of curricula at the partner Universities and strengthening cross-border research as well as promoting young scientists are just some of the common goals. Here ...
Viewing these FAQs is a recommended first step for those wishing to familarise with AI at the university. Keeping close adherence to the central recommendations, the department advocates for the safe ...
„Historegio“ è un progetto transfrontaliero di ricerca storica sulla regione gestito in cooperazione con l'Euregio.
Die universitäre Zusammenarbeit innerhalb der Euregio ist ein kontinuierlicher Prozess. Die gemeinsamen Forschungsinitiativen ...
Audio PROcessing and internet of SOUNDS. ProSOUNDS is a series of events that aim at providing theoretical knowledge and practical activities for students on four main topics: (a) ...
Die AbsolventInnen können mittels Theorie und Beobachtungen die physikalischen und chemischen Prozesse in der Atmosphäre und ...
Project context/ content Due to Covid-19, the sixth edition of the Euregio Economics Workshop took place in the academic year 2021/2022 and was hosted by the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano. The even ...
Gli studenti delle Università dell'Euregio hanno la possibilità di prendere parte a corsi di laurea comuni. Grazie ...
Developing an interdisciplinary approach to research questions related to the large-scale deployment of interconnected and autonomous vehicles.